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Shire President Update
If you are a property owner within the Shire of Irwin you will soon be receiving your rates notice.

Each financial year Council thoroughly and thoughtfully prepares a new budget to support the growing needs of our entire community. While Council and Shire staff work hard to leverage as much revenue from other sources as possible, including charges, capital grants, and contributions, rates revenue accounts for approximately 65-70% of Council’s total operating revenue.

The pensioners and seniors rebate scheme provides a rebate or deferment of charges to eligible pensioners and seniors. Concessions apply to local government rates charges, the emergency services levy and water service charges. Please note that rubbish and pool fees are not subject to a rebate.

To receive a concession on local government rates, an applicant must own and occupy the property as their ordinary place of residence on 1 July of the current financial year.

Eligible pensioners are entitled to claim a rebate of 50% of the current year’s rates, up to a maximum of $750. Seniors who meet the eligibility criteria are entitled to claim a rebate of 25% of the current years rates, up to a maximum of $100.

To receive a concession on water service charges, an applicant must:

1: own and occupy the property as their ordinary place of residence at the date of application and
2: be the holder of a valid:
3: Pensioner Concession Card or
4: State Concession Card or
5: Commonwealth Seniors Health Card together with a WA Seniors Card or
6: WA Seniors Card.

To apply for your concessions you must contact the Water Corporation either online here.

The Water Corporation will register you as an eligible pensioner or senior and notify your Local Government even if you don’t have a Water Corporation account. The Water Corporation will then provide the Shire with the information required to apply a rebate to your rates.

For more information on the Rates Rebate Scheme visit here.

Work is continuing on the new Kailis Drive Entry Statement with signage now in place. I would like to thank Shire staff and Council who have been working hard to see this community priority completed and Beach Energy who have generously supported this project.

Our rural roads program is continuing with maintenance and grading of Mount Adams Road now complete.

The operations team have now moved onto Water Supply Road where cleanup works have started to get the road ready for gravel re-sheeting.

The upkeep and management of our rural roads and the safety of all road users is important to Council, so much so that we have increased capital works expenditure in this year’s Budget to ensure the ongoing upgrades and maintenance grading of the entire unsealed, rural road network.

Denison Foreshore Sprint and Midwest Show and Shine
The Denison Foreshore Sprint and Midwest Show and Shine, the region’s hottest event, is on again September 24!

Over 7000 people will descend on our picturesque Port Denison waterfront for this unforgettable, family friendly weekend.

This year we have a dedicated website for the event packed with everything you need to know including information about the drivers, the cars and live time results!

Find it at

Volunteer Marshals are critical to running the Foreshore Sprint, the event simply cannot happen without them.

If you would like the opportunity to be part of this unique and exciting motorsport event call 99270000 or email to register your interest.

Industry Update
Infinite Green Energy, who are working to build the Arrowsmith Hydrogen Plant, that will produce up to 23 tonnes (23,000kg) per day of green hydrogen, have received a $5 million support from the WA Government’s Investment Attraction Fund.

The funding will go towards the company’s pilot project, the MEG HP1 Early Production System in Northam that is designed to produce IGE’s first hydrogen for the domestic transport market.

Funding will go towards two five megawatt (MW) electrolysers to establish a hydrogen production eco-system, hydrogen storage compression technology and general construction.

Hydrogen Industry Minister Bill Johnston spoke about the importance of this announcement.

“The $5 million, from the Investment Attraction Fund, will help Infinite Green Energy establish Western Australia’s first renewable green hydrogen production system,” he said.

“This is an important step to help kickstart the development of an end-user market for locally produced green hydrogen.”

Download the July Community News here

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