High Fire Danger

High 40


Citizen of the Year Awards 2025

The Community Citizen of the Year Awards recognise those in our community who are doing extraordinary work – making our Shire a better place to live. This year the Shire of Irwin had ten nominees across four categories. This year...

Australia Day

Where will you be for Australia Day. Join the Shire of Irwin on the Port Denison Foreshore for the perfect family day out. Enjoy the Community Citizen pf the Year Awards, Free Lions BBQ Breakfast, Kids Train, Giant Bouncy Castle, Live Music, Water...

Form 5 - Notice of land for sale by public auction

Notice is hereby given that, under section 6.64 of the Local Government Act 1995 (WA), as rates and service chargeshave been owing for a period of at least 3 years, the Shire of IRWIN is to offer for sale by...

Magic on Moreton 2024

Get ready for the return of our annual Magic on Moreton event Saturday 7 December! Join us for a night of family fun, with exciting activities to suit everyone. Dance along with performances from Move n Groove with Jasmine, explore...

Container Deposit Scheme (CDS)

Summer Season Shire of Irwin Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) Summer Season From Monday 18 November 2024 through to Monday 31 March 2025 The CDS will be open for cash transactions on:   Friday – 7.00am to 11.00am Saturday – 7.00am...

Public Notice - Fire Breaks and Fuel Reduction

Fire Break and fuel reduction must be completed by 29 October 2024. Infringements for non – compliance may be issued from this date until 5 April 2025. Please be mindful of any regrowth. All grass within 20m of habitable buildings must...

Change to Unrestricted Burning Period

Please note the change to your Firebreak & Fuel Hazard Reduction Notice where the unrestricted burning period closes on 30 September 2024 and not 14 October as per previous years. This means you will need a Burn Permit for any burning during the restricted period from: 1 October 2024 to...

Electronic Community Message Board

A new electronic community message board has been installed on Point Leander Drive adjacent to Russ Cottage, providing a constant focal point for emergency information and community updates, and enabling their quick and effective delivery to residents and visitors to...

Time to Install Firebreaks!

With heavy fuel loads  this year NOW is the time to install your firebreak. Firebreaks are used to help minimise or stop the rapid spread of bushfires by having a gap in the vegetation down to soil level, in which...

Slashing and Vegetation Maintenance

Slashing and vegetation maintenance along the river walk trails and throughout the Shire will begin shortly. During this period, certain sections of the trails may have limited or no access. For your safety, we kindly ask that you obey all...

A Message from the Shire President

We understand our announcement that the Port Denison Foreshore Sprint and Midwest Show N Shine event would not be taking place in 2024 has caused some angst within the community. This decision was not made lightly and followed an extensive review into the event’s safety...

Shire President Budget Statement

MEDIA RELEASE 23 August 2024 2024/25 Shire President Budget Statement The Shire of Irwin adopted its 2024/25 Budget at the August Special Council meeting on Tuesday 20th August 2024. Council has budgeted for a 5% overall increase in rate revenue to...

July Community News

Shire President Update At this month’s Council meeting we were thrilled to welcome in our newest Councillor Jeff Melsom, who was officially sworn in by Robyn Parsons JP.  The Shire of Irwin Extraordinary Postal Election was conducted on 12 July...

June Community News

Shire President Update  Earlier this year it was announced that the Shire of Irwin had successfully secured $5 million in Australian Government funding under the Bridges Renewal Program (BRP) for much-needed upgrades to the Irwin River Milo Rd Crossing. The...

Book your FREE ticket to Bogan Shakespeare

Get ready to be mesmerized by a new take on an old theatre classic, and the best part? It’s FREE!  Circuitwest and BS Productions present Bogan Shakespeare – Romeo & Juliet! ‘Bogan Shakespeare’ asks one question and one question only;...

Public Notice - Proposed Road Name

Shire of Irwin has received a request to name the lane that runs east off Hepburn Street, Dongara (in between Smith Street and Moreton Terrace) as SIKH LANE.

Get Ready To Vote!

2024 Local Government Extraordinary Election to be held on 12 July.  

May Community News

Read this month's news from across the Shire in the May Community News.

Differential Rates

Notice is hereby given that the Shire of Irwin proposes to impose the following differential general rates in the 2024/25 financial year.

Special Council Meeting

Notice of Special Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday 21 May 2024 at 6.00pm in the Shire of Irwin Council Chambers 11-13 Waldeck Street, Dongara The purpose of the meeting is for Council to adopt the 2024-25 Differential Rates...

Nominate for Council

We will hold an Extraordinary Postal Election on July 12. If you keen to make a difference in your local community don't wait NOMINATE!

Public Notice

Announcing the introduction of Agenda Forums, which replace the Agenda Briefing Session.


Check out what has been happening across the Shire in this month's Community News.


Shire President UpdateWith just one month to go in this year’s Dongara Denison Drive-In season I thought it was a good time toreflect on this unique asset we have in our Shire and the incredible people who have kept it...


The Shire of Irwin advises of the following Easter closuresShire Admin Office, Visitors Centre and LibraryEaster Good Friday – ClosedSaturday March 30 – Open 9am to 12pmSunday March 31 – ClosedMonday April 1 – ClosedRec Centre closed on Good Friday...


The WA Planning Commission is seeking public comment on a significant development application for aconventional gas extraction project with processing facility, known as the Lockyer Gas Project, on multiple lotsnear Midlands Road in Mt Horner.A copy of the received application...


Shire President UpdateI have the unfortunate job this month of informing the community of the upcoming temp closure of theCliffhead, Freshwater Point and Knobby Head campsites.From mid-April, the section of Indian Ocean Drive between Eneabba-Coolimba Road and Brand Highway willbe...


Please be advised the Dongara Public Library will be closed between Wednesday 13 March andWednesday 20 March to upgrade to a new Library Management System.The closure is necessary to ensure a smooth transition of data from the existing system.Borrowing limits...


The Restricted Burning Period has now commenced!Permits to burn are required during the restricted period and they can be requested through a Fire ControlOfficer listed on the Firebreak Notice, which can be viewed here.Burning Periods are as follows:RESTRICTED – 1...


The Restricted Burning Period has now commenced! Permits to burn are required during the restricted period and they can be requested through a Fire Control Officer listed on the Firebreak Notice, which can be viewed here. Burning Periods are as follows:...


The Restricted Burning Period has now commenced! Permits to burn are required during the restricted period and they can be requested through a Fire Control Officer listed on the Firebreak Notice, which can be viewed here. Burning Periods are as follows:...


The Shire of Irwin would like to advise the community that measures to control the seasonal influx of corellas will be undertaken in various locations within the next few weeks. The control measures are necessary to protect our heritage listed...


The Shire of Irwin is now providing a mandatory Food Safe online course free for all food businesses and residents. The National Food Safety Standard requires people working with food to have skills and knowledge of food hygiene matters. In...


It is with regret that I inform the community that Councillor Hayley Palmer has decided to resign from her role as Elected Member on the Irwin Shire Council effective 25 January. On behalf of Council and the Irwin community I’d...


Outstanding community spirit was on proud display at our 2024 Australia Day celebrations. The Community Citizen of the Year Awards recognise those in our community who are doing extraordinary work – making our Shire a better place to live. This...


The Shire of Irwin will proceed with the ‘Advertising Applications for Development Approval’ local planning policy. The policy can be downloaded from the Shire of Irwin website at Please call 9927 0000 or email for further information. SHANE IVERS CHIEF EXECUTIVE...


The Shire of Irwin will proceed with the ‘Advertising Applications for Development Approval’ local planning policy. The policy can be downloaded from the Shire of Irwin website at Please call 9927 0000 or email for further information. SHANE...


We regretfully inform the community that Councillor Hayley Palmer has decided to resign from her role as Elected Member on the Irwin Shire Council effective January 25.   Shire President Mark Leonard has acknowledged Cr Palmer for her significant contribution...