High Fire Danger

High 40

Other Services


If there is an abandoned vehicle in the Shire of Irwin, the Community Ranger will attend the vehicle and attempt to contact the vehicle’s owner and discuss when they intend to remove it.

If the vehicle has not been removed within the specified timeframe, it will be towed to the Council Depot Abandoned Vehicle Compound.

If the owner fails to respond to written notification of the removal of the vehicle or responds that he is no longer the owner, the vehicle becomes available for sale by tender or auction after a period of 2 months.

If the vehicle is found abandoned on a main road, it is referred to the Main Roads department.


Parking in Dongara is free, please pay attention to all parking signs and be aware of parking provisions within the local law. Penalties may apply to any offense against any provision of the Shire of Irwin’s Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law.


The control of vehicles that are going off road comes under WA Legislation.

There are currently no areas designated for off road recreation in Dongara. 


Littering in Western Australia is an offence under the Litter Act 1979.  The Act contains provisions for the following:

  • Prevention of litter
  • Enforcement, proceedings and penalties
  • Regulations and rules.

The Shire’s Community Rangers are responsible for enforcing the Litter Act 1979.  In this Act, litter is defined as:

  • All kinds of rubbish, refuse, junk, garbage or scrap; and
  • Any articles or material abandoned or unwanted by the owner or the person in possession thereof, and includes:
  • Incorrectly discarding rubbish in a public place
  • Dumping rubbish in reserves or vacant land
  • Depositing domestic or commercial waste in a public bin
  • Items escaping from an unsecured load
  • Posting publicity material (bill posting) in a public place or on a vehicle without the permission of the owner
  • Careless butt disposal

Fines for littering are defined in the Litter Regulations 1981.

Local Laws

Local Governments have a general power to provide for the good government of the people in their district. This means that local governments can do things for the good government of their districts if they are not prevented from doing so by the Local Government Act 1995 or any other written law.

In exercising this general power, a local government can make local laws (legislative function) and provide services and facilities (executive function).

The following Local Laws are current within the Shire of Irwin