High Fire Danger

High 30



Shire President Update

Two years ago we came together as a community and you shared your hopes and aspirations about our Shire and the direction you wanted to see it head. From your suggestions and ideas, we formed our ten-year Strategic Community Plan – a roadmap to guide Council and Shire staff and now it is time to check in, to see how we are travelling two years down the road.

On May 11 we will be holding Community Consultation sessions and I encourage you all to come and see what we have achieved and give feedback on our priorities, projects and plans.

You can see progress updates, our achievements to date such as the revitalisation of Morton Terrace and the creation of signature events such as Magic on Moreton, and give your opinion on major local projects such as the recreational jetty, the boat ramp design, and the Surf Beach Revitalisation project.

The Port Denison Foreshore Masterplan, Irwin River Walking Trail Amenity Upgrades Masterplan and the Extended Entry Statement Masterplan, which have been guided by the community will also be available for comment. As will the Shire of Irwin’s Local Planning Strategy that acts as a guide for the progressive development of the Shire over the next 10 to 15 years. This strategy strives to realise the communities desire for sustainable economic growth while maintaining our lifestyle and the natural environment.

The consultation sessions will also feature information about Arrowsmith industry developments with information for local businesses and the community, Shire property options, exploring how we can best utilise our Shire assets to accommodate future growth and the issue of recycling including the costs and benefits.

Council values the opinion of the local community on all of these topics and looks forward to seeing you at one of the sessions.

I would like to congratulate the Dongara/ Denison Surf Life Saving Club who recently celebrated their 20th anniversary, an amazing achievement. To all Club members past and present and to those volunteers who have kept the Club going for two decades, your efforts are truly commendable.

Finally I would want to acknowledge the Dongara RSL Sub-Branch who once again did an amazing job organising our ANZAC commemoration services. Well done to all involved.

Youth Week

This month we celebrated Youth Week and were pleased to be able to hold two events for our young people.

The Shred the Bay skate competition that included a skate and skills clinic, was a huge success, but it would not have been possible without all the support we received. We would like to thank organisers Infinity Skate WA and our sponsors Be Kirvi Surf, Sunset Takeaway Diner and Willocks Surf for their donations of prizes and Pixies Prints who provided medallions for our winners. A big thank you also to artist Shah from Shah’s Art Studio and DJ Sunday Best for entertaining the crowds!

The Acro Workshop with Platinum Dance Company was also very popular, with additional sessions required to cater for the large number of kids that wanted to participate!

Thank you to everyone who helped organise these events!

Industry Update

The first round of recipients for the Mitsui E & P Mid West Community Grant Program have been announced, with each receiving $4,000 funding for community initiatives.

The grant program is to assist not-for-profit community groups, clubs and organisations to implement projects, activities and initiatives that enhance and promote community wellbeing in the Mid West, and is funded by the Waitsia Joint Venture partners, Mitsui E&P Australia and Beach Energy.

Local recipients St John Ambulance Irwin District received funding which was used for a two-part event held in March, with a youth workshop afternoon followed by a volunteer event in the evening.

Students from Dongara and Mullewa attended a first aid workshop with St John Ambulance and a cultural identity workshop with Mitch Tambo, an traditional Indigenous singer, dancer and motivational speaker.

This was followed by a concert to thank Mid West St John Ambulance volunteers for their dedication and commitment.

Download the April Community News

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