Shire President Update
I had the pleasure of representing the Shire at the WA Keep Australia Beautiful Tidy Town awards in Perth last week. We were thrilled to be finalists in the Heritage and Culture category for preservation works done to save our heritage listed Moreton Bay Fig Trees.
The works formed part of the Moreton Terrace upgrades we completed last year.
While we were unsuccessful this year, it was an honour to be nominated and I congratulate all the winners.
Bushfire risk mitigation works that have been occurring throughout the Shire in the lead up to bushfire season are now complete. Mulching and other associated treatments were undertaken in Kailis Drive, Herbert Street, Coles Way, along the Irwin River Walking Trails, Clarkson Street, George Street, Brand Highway and Ocean Drive.
The completion of these works, particularly along the southern corridor, offers significant protection to the town this fire season. Now that the bushfire season is here, I urge you to ensure your firebreaks are installed and maintained, and also to consider creating a bushfire plan to help keep you and your family safe. Go to for help to prepare a plan.
Congratulations to Councillor Elyce Tunbridge for her double win at the Mid West Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Business Excellence Awards. Councillor Tunbridge’s business New Leaf Connect won the Excellence in Tourism (Business) and Excellence in Tourism (Individual) Customer Service Awards. It is fabulous to see a local enterprise doing so well. A very well-deserved win.
Council News
The Shire has been monitoring and repairing the ongoing concrete cancer of the Recreational Jetty for the past five years.
Unfortunately, due to safety concerns we now must close the Recreational Jetty to the public while assessments are made around crucial maintenance requirements for the structure. Fences and gates will be installed, and we ask that you not climb onto or go under the jetty until the maintenance assessment has been carried out. Boats currently moored on the jetty will be required to relocate.
Concrete cancer is the breakdown of a building’s concrete, specifically in areas that surround internal steel reinforcements. Concrete cancer occurs when water makes contact with the structural steel reinforcement bars and causes rust. The bars then forcibly expand and deform, breaking apart the concrete that surrounds them.
Community safety is our highest priority and we thank you for your co-operation during this time.
Over the past year Council has been exploring options on how to best manage our Rec Centre. As part of the process Council has decided to run a detailed expression of interest process, whilst also exploring alternative inhouse management models to guarantee the best outcome for the community.
The EOI will be open to professional leisure management companies, it will be a requirement that all current Rec Centre staff retain their employment.
Council is seeking to get the best outcome including service quality and price for the operation to sustain the Rec Centre as a well maintained and functional community asset, adhering to best management practices in delivering the community a range of sporting and recreational opportunities.
Our Magic on Moreton event will be returning for another year. The community celebration will be held on the evening of Saturday December 10 on the Terrace from 5pm to 9pm.
Lighting Upgrades
Thanks to a fantastic effort by the Dongara Men in Sheds Group lighting upgrades to Memorial Park are almost complete and the results are incredible!
The lighting upgrades are a continuation of the works completed last year – the new archway and paths, upgrades to the cenotaph, landscaping and improvements to the amenities.
This project has been facilitated through the hard work and generosity of several local community organisations – primarily the Dongara Men in Sheds group (who have been generously supported by the community through the Containers for Change program) and the Dongara RSL.
The Shire of Irwin was proud to contribute to the lighting upgrade, with staff from our Operations team helping dig trenches.
Generous support was also provided by local industry with Beach Energy and MEPAU making significant contributions to the project.
The library and Visitor’s Centre will now be open 9am to 12pm on Saturdays.
Opening hours during the week will remain the same. For all enquiries please contact the Shire Admin office.
Seniors Week Celebrations
To celebrate Seniors Week this month the Shire hosted a Senior’s Trivia Morning Tea.
We had an amazing turnout and competition was fierce!
A big thank you to everyone who joined us, our special guest Sandra Carr MLC and congratulations to our trivia champions the Spicey Chicks!
Industry Update
The Shire of Irwin will be hosting a second Industry Workshop in Perth early next year. The Workshop will bring together industry leaders from major projects across our region and members of State Parliament.
It is hoped that by building collaboration between industry groups, and Government these projects will be realised bringing enormous benefit to the whole community.
Infinite Green Energy’s Arrowsmith project has received Lead Agency Status from the State Government.
Projects are assessed for Lead Agency Status based on a number of factors, including level of complexity, potential impacts and significance to the State.