High Fire Danger

High 27



Shire President Update

Milo Road is set for some significant upgrades following the announcement that our application for $5 million in Australian Government funding under the Bridges Renewal Program (BRP) has been successful.                                                                                                                         

The Milo Road Upgrade Project is expected to cost over $6.7 million, with $5 million coming from the BRP and $600,000 courtesy of generous sponsorship from Mitsui E&P Australia (MEPAU) and their joint venture partner Beach Energy. The Shire of Irwin will cover the remaining costs.
We are very grateful for the support from the Australian Government and Mitsui E&P Australia (MEPAU) and their joint venture partner Beach Energy had given to enable this major community project.                                                                                                                       

As use of this essential road network has increased, Council identified the Milo Road crossing infrastructure as being inadequate and unsustainable for the current and forecasted general traffic and heavy vehicle usage.

As a small regional Council we have to work hard to leverage as much revenue from other sources as possible, we thank the Federal Government and MEPAU and Beach Energy who have demonstrated their strong commitment to our community.

These road improvements will deliver the best possible outcome for all users upon completion and have far reaching social and economic benefits.

Milo Road is heavily utilised, for grain, fertilizer, stock and lime sand cartage as well as for general traffic movements.

During medium to heavy rain events the Milo Road Irwin River crossing is often inundated with water causing it to be closed periodically.

These closures impact local road users as well as businesses and industry, which is why this project is so important.

Council has worked hard over the past few years to harmonize the interests of industry with those of our community to ensure that every individual within the Shire reaps the benefits of this current period of economic growth.

This financial commitment from Mitsui E&P Australia (MEPAU) and their joint venture partner Beach Energy shows their willingness to be active participants in our region, which will be of huge benefit to our community going forward.                                                                       

Works on the project are expected to begin before the end of this financial year.

Local charity’s incredible donation

The Irwin District Charity Ball committee has donated $32,000 to the Cancer Council WA’s Adopt a Room program.

This money will fund two rooms at Crawford Lodge for two years.

Crawford Lodge is a home away from home for regional cancer patients and their families to stay whilst receiving treatment in Perth. It removes the stress and financial burden of finding long or short term accommodation when travelling from the country for treatment. 

Congratulations to the Irwin District Charity Ball committee for this incredible effort and the community for supporting this event.

Council News

With the departure of Councillor Hayley Palmer the Shire was due to hold an Extraordinary local government election on May 17.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of nominations, this election has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for July. 

If you keen to make a difference in your local community then you should consider becoming a councillor.

Local councils are the level of government closest to the community. They provide key infrastructure, facilities and services to residents and are fundamental in creating strong, resilient and connected communities.

Councillors represent their local community’s needs, wants and aspirations and make important decisions on behalf of their local community.

You don’t need any formal qualifications and you will receive benefits including training, support, equipment, expenses and allowances if elected.

To be eligible to nominate as a candidate you must be registered as an elector in the Shire of Irwin and aged over 18 years.

For more information on nominating for Council visit here.

Unrestricted Fire Period                                                                                                           

From Monday April 8 we entered our unrestricted burning period. 

During this time no permits are required, however we strongly encourage the community to be mindful of residual risk whilst the Fire Danger Rating remains HIGH and to manage smoke nuisance where possible.

With warmer than average summer temperatures, the hot and dry conditions are forecasted to continue into autumn with maximum and minimum temperatures very likely to be above median across almost all of Australia, resulting in an increased risk of fire in WA this autumn.             

Please remember burning is PROHIBITED on High or above Fire Danger Rating (FDR). You can find the FDR here.

Campfires are permitted from May 1.

For more information visit here.

Indian Ocean Drive Improvement Works

Stage Two of the Indian Ocean Drive Improvement Works project have now commenced. 
The project will see the construction of two passing lanes (one northbound and one southbound), 33 kilometres of widening, the installation of audible edge lines and realignment of crests and curves.                                                                                                                   

Indian Ocean Drive from the Eneabba Coolimba Road (north of Leeman) to the junction of the Brand Highway will be temporarily closed from April 17 until November.                               

During this time, the coastal camping nodes of Knobby Head and Freshwater Point will not be accessible.

The Cliff Head campsite will remain open but will only be accessed (to and from) via the north.
All road users wishing to travel along Indian Ocean Drive will be detoured via Eneabba-Coolimba Road and Brand Highway.

If you would like more information about the works you can go to the Main Roads website or call them on 138 138.                                                                                                             

Download this month’s Community News here.

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