High Fire Danger

High 42

Council Policies

Council policy structure

The structure of the Council Policies aligns to the framework of the Shire of Irwin’s Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031.

ECONOMIC – A prosperous and diverse economy

 – Opportunities are maximised to promote economic grown and local development

ENVIRONMENTTo be custodians of our natural and built environment

 – Our natural and built environment is managed through contemporary land-use practices

SOCIALA friendly, safe and inclusive community enjoying a high-quality lifestyle

 – The community has access to suitable community spaced, vibrant events and relevant services

 – Arts, culture, heritage and recreation are valued

 – Our safe community is maintained

LEADERSHIPLeading the community with engaged and progressive governance

 – An engaged and inclusive community

 – Effective governance, management and prudent financial responsibility

 – A local government that is professional, transparent and accountable