High Fire Danger

High 42

Firebreaks & Burn Periods


Firebreaks are required between 29 October and 28 April inclusive – to view the latest Firebreak information, please click here.

Click here to view Bushfire preparedness plan.
Click here to view the DFES website.

Prohibited Burning

Prohibited Burning is from 1 November to 28 February inclusive.

Restricted Burning

Restricted Burning is from 15 October to 31 October inclusive.
Restricted Burning is from 1 March to 7 April inclusive.


When to obtain permits

Permits are required for burning of windrows, stubble, grass or bush at any time during the RESTRICTED burning periods.  Permits are required for all areas. No burning is permitted on a High or above Fire Danger Rating day during the Restricted burning period.

How to obtain permits

Permits can be obtained from the Shire Office or from your local Permit Issuing Officer listed below. When applying for a permit you will need to provide the lot number and street name of the property for which the permit is to apply:

Monday - Irwin Fire Rating

High Fire Danger

High 42

Tuesday - Irwin Fire Rating

High Fire Danger

High 35

Wednesday - Irwin Fire Rating

High Fire Danger

High 39

Who To Contact

Telephone Number

Townsite Areas

Shire of Irwin Office

9927 0000

Community Ranger

0427 110 237

M Butcher

0408 956 741

H Campbell

0427 931 058

S Boyd

0427 366 557

Rural Areas

A Gillam

0427 717 174

P Summers

0429 086 270


The Dongara Public Library aims to deliver an extensive collection of items to meet the needs of the community of Dongara, Port Denison and surrounding areas. The items are updated regularly and come in the following formats:

The collection is divided into the following sections:



Becoming a member

To become a member of the Dongara Public Library, complete a Library Membership Form and supply photographic identification to our staff. The minimum borrower age is 12 years old.


We strive to provide a digital option for all our members. Borrow Box and Over Drive offer free eBooks & eAudiobooks to loan.

Borrow Box can be accessed by installing the Borrow Box app on your device through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, or via the website

Over Drive can be accessed by installing the Over Drive app on your device through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store or via the website


The Dongara Public Library accepts book and DVD donations, as long as their physical condition is good. The Library reserves the right to place donations that are not needed on the Free Stand.

Public access computer

The Dongara Public Library provides access to one public-use computer with word processing and internet access, with a time limit of one hour. Printing is available at a charge. The Library also provides photocopying and scanning facilities. All patrons utilising the public access computers must adhere to the Terms and Conditions of Use.


Opening times
Monday to Friday 9.00am – 3.00pm
Saturday 10.00am – 1.00 pm
Sunday Closed
Become a library volunteer

Are you passionate about books, meeting new people and want to be part of an amazing team? 

If you’re looking for a simple way to give back to the community as well as indulge in your love of everything books, then volunteering at our small community library is for you. Click the links below to access the information poster and application form


Becoming a member

To become a member of the Dongara Public Library, complete a Library Membership Form and supply photographic identification to our staff. The minimum borrower age is 12 years old.

We strive to provide a digital option for all our members. Borrow Box and Over Drive offer free eBooks & eAudiobooks to loan.

Borrow Box can be accessed by installing the Borrow Box app on your device through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, or via the website

Over Drive can be accessed by installing the Over Drive app on your device through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store or via the website

The Dongara Public Library accepts book and DVD donations, as long as their physical condition is good. The Library reserves the right to place donations that are not needed on the Free Stand.

The Dongara Public Library provides access to one public-use computer with word processing and internet access, with a time limit of one hour. Printing is available at a charge. The Library also provides photocopying and scanning facilities. All patrons utilising the public access computers must adhere to the Terms and Conditions of Use.


Monday to Friday 9.00am – 3.00pm
Saturday 10.00am – 1.00 pm
Sunday Closed

Are you passionate about books, meeting new people and want to be part of an amazing team? 

If you’re looking for a simple way to give back to the community as well as indulge in your love of everything books, then volunteering at our small community library is for you. Click the links below to access the information poster and application form


For all rates enquiries, please contact the Finance Department on