High Fire Danger

High 42

Food Business Approvals

Starting a new food business

A food business is an enterprise or activity involving the storage, preparation and/or sale of food. In Western Australia, you cannot operate a food business unless the business is registered with the relevant enforcement agency (which in most instances will be the Shire of Irwin).

Further information can be found at the Department of Health

Purchasing an existing food business premises

Safe food handler training

The food safety standards require food businesses to ensure that food handlers, and supervisors of food handlers have the skills and knowledge they need to handle food safely.

A food handler is anyone who works in a food business and handles food or surfaces that are likely to come into contact with food such as cutlery and plates.

All food handlers must know how to keep food safe to eat, this includes having the necessary skills and knowledge in food safety and food hygiene and ensuring you don’t contaminate food through illness or unhygienic practices.

Further information can be found at the Department of Health