Moderate Fire Danger

Moderate 22

A Message from the Shire President


We understand our announcement that the Port Denison Foreshore Sprint and Midwest Show N Shine event would not be taking place in 2024 has caused some angst within the community.

This decision was not made lightly and followed an extensive review into the event’s safety and finances. Regrettably, this review raised issues concerning insurance, liability and most importantly spectator safety and unfortunately even after significant consultation with associated parties these issues could not be resolved in time for the 2024 event.

While we realise the timing of this announcement is not ideal, it could not be avoided. Shire staff have been working diligently for months with independent assessors to determine if the track met all public safety requirements for endorsement, certification and insurance. Unfortunately, with only a month to go before the event, we have been unable to establish and confirm the insurances required, and with our public’s safety a priority, the decision was made to cancel the event.

The event cancellation was not due to budget constraints however it was decided to include this announcement in the Shire President’s Budget Statement, formalising the Council decision, rather than wait until the next Ordinary Council Meeting, creating further delay.

Council would like to sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused and hope that we can resolve these issues which may allow a 2025 event to take place.

Mark Leonard
Shire President

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