High Fire Danger

High 30

Proposed Increase on Rates Revenue


The Shire of Irwin has proposed a 5% increase on rates revenue, which is 0.9% lower than the 2023/24 increase. The increase represents the current CPI of 3.5% and 1.5% increase to deliver a balanced budget, which will allow the Shire to continue delivering services and projects to the community.

Shire President Mark Leonard said GRV valuations have increased by an overall average of 33.97% since the last valuation by Landgate in 2019 and UV valuations have increased from 2023, by an overall average of approximately 21.52%.

“We understand the effect cost of living pressures are having on our community, and because of this we’ve kept the rate rise as low as possible, however inflationary and cost pressures are significantly impacting the Shire’s budget.”

Over the past six years we have increased rates by an average of 3.6%, with zero rate rises during the COVID period.

Each year Council works hard to minimise rate rises whilst ensuring we raise enough income to cater for increases in costs for materials and contracts, fuel, electricity, insurance, and labour.”

Rates are levied on all rateable properties to provide services and facilities to our community. There are approximately 2730 rateable properties within the Shire of Irwin. Rates revenue accounts for approximately 65-70% of Council’s total operating revenue.

Council and Shire staff work hard to leverage as much revenue from sources other than rates to minimise rate payments, including fees and charges and capital grants and contributions.

Rates allow the Shire to deliver essential services and projects such as 

  • the upkeep and maintenance of infrastructure such as roads, footpaths, street lighting, bushland, river and foreshores,
  • bin collections and run Transfer Station,
  • support local businesses and organisations,
  • community and recreation services including libraries, youth facilities, parks and reserves,
  • and community events and activity programs.

Shire President Leonard said that the Council has a process in place for people struggling to pay their rates.

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