Moderate Fire Danger

Moderate 22



The Restricted Burning Period has now commenced!
Permits to burn are required during the restricted period and they can be requested through a Fire Control
Officer listed on the Firebreak Notice, which can be viewed here.
Burning Periods are as follows:
RESTRICTED – 1 March to 7 April
UNRESTRICTED – 8 April to 14 October
RESTRICTED – 15 October to 31 October
PROHIBITED – 1 November to 28 February
Campfires are prohibited – 1 October to 30 April
Under the new Fire Danger Rating System burning cannot be conducted on days of forecasted HIGH fire
danger rating.
Firebreaks must be installed and maintained clear of flammable materials from 28 OCTOBER 2023 up to
and including 15 APRIL 2024.
Well-maintained firebreaks mean our firefighting crews can access your property and deal with a bushfire
emergency safely and efficiently.
Firebreaks are used to help minimise or stop the rapid spread of bushfires by having a gap in the
vegetation down to soil level, in which fire is unable to easily leap over or creep across. Effective
firebreaks help reduce the risk of fires entering or leaving your property. They can take many forms and
can be created by ploughing the soil in strips and removing vegetation.
You can also help by preparing your home early by cleaning gutters, trimming back trees and by
maintaining a low vegetation buffer around your house and outbuildings.
For more information on preparing your home for bushfire season visit here.

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