High Fire Danger

High 27

July Community News


Shire President Update

At this month’s Council meeting we were thrilled to welcome in our newest Councillor Jeff Melsom, who was officially sworn in by Robyn Parsons JP. 

The Shire of Irwin Extraordinary Postal Election was conducted on 12 July 2024. With two nominations received for the single vacant Councillor position, we saw an impressive voter turnout of 39.40%.

I would like to acknowledge and thank our two candidates, Mr Jeff Melsom and Mr Nicholas Groves, for their commitment to our community. 

On behalf of Council and our community, I extend my congratulations to Jeff Melsom upon receiving the majority of votes.

Jeff and his family have been integral members of our community for over forty years, actively participating in and serving on various sporting committees. 

Councillors represent their local community’s needs, wants and aspirations and make important decisions on behalf of their local community.

We are pleased to welcome Jeff to our team, and to once again having our full complement of Elected Members contributing to our community direction.

Council News

Earlier this year the Shire received a request from the Irwin Districts Historical Society to name the lane that runs east off Hepburn Street, Dongara (in between Smith Street and Moreton Terrace) as Sikh Lane.

The Shire of Irwin is an area rich in Sikh heritage, with one man in particular Sojan Singh playing a remarkable role in the history of the region.

Between the 1890s and 1949, a community of Sikhs lived in Dongara, many of whom ran shops or farms.

According to a 1920 census, 20 Sikhs lived in Dongara, making up two per cent of the population.

The proposed road name Sikh Lane went to Council in May for approval to advertise. The Shire then received over 20 submissions including a petition organised by the Irwin Districts Historical Society, all supporting the naming. 

In July 2024, the Shire received Geographic Naming Approval from Landgate to apply the name ‘Sikh Lane’ to the unnamed road reserve.

If you would like to read more about the history of the local Sikh community visit

Travel Subsidy 

The Shire of Irwin is committed to building a strong community, and promoting and fostering a healthy and active community.

The Shire’s Travel Subsidy Assistance scheme provides financial assistance to Shire of Irwin residents who have been selected to participate in a national sporting event, or who receive a scholarship to the Mid West Academy of Sports.

Those receiving a scholarship to the Mid West Academy of Sports are eligible for membership and services worth up to $400 at the Irwin Recreation Centre. Council support to elite athletes through cash, memberships or services is limited to the value of $400 per athlete per year.

Recently we were pleased to support Zaine O’Brien, who travelled to QLD to compete in the Australian Polocrosse Nationals, as vice-captain of the WA junior boys team. Congratulations Zaine!

For more information on our Travel Subsidy Assistance scheme visit

Bogan Shakespeare

Thank you to everyone who came along to enjoy Bogan Shakespeare, a unique theatrical experience that brought Shakespeare down under with a distinctly Aussie flair. 

The Shire was delighted to present this event to the community free of charge, ensuring everyone could enjoy a night of laughter, drama, and timeless storytelling. 

A special thank you also to Circuitwest and BS Productions for bringing the production to town.


KidSport, the WA Government program that enables eligible Western Australian children aged 5 to 18 years to participate in community sport, has received a funding boost. 

The KidSport voucher program has been increased, with up to $500 now on offer to assist eligible families.

To see if you qualify or for more information visit here

Industry Update

Waitsia Gas Project Stage 2B is proposing to drill up to five wells in the Waitsia production licence area, which may be tied-back via new flowlines to the Waitsia Gas Plant; plus drill an additional exploration well.

Following necessary approvals, activities are anticipated to start in the third quarter of 2024.

Schedule of Activities MEPAU maintains an online Schedule of Activities that is regularly updated with planned activity information and timing visit here.

To download this month’s Community News visit here.

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